2014: A Year of Significant Movement and Transformation for Financial Services Firms

Jeffrey-Brothers-Capital’s experts analyze 2013 and look forward to the upcoming year’s challenges and opportunities

With further clarity around regulators’ expectations all signs point in the direction of firms increasingly gearing up to make 2014 a year of firms turning regulatory theory into practical implementation, according to Jeffrey Brothers Capital’s experts.
A number of Jeffrey Brothers Capital’s experts have provided insight on these issues, among others, taking a retrospective look back and anticipate what is on the horizon for financial institutions.
The future implementation will continue to be the strongest influence on developments as firms and regulators learn how to navigate the new framework as well as manage the transition. 2014 may also see regulatory efforts to constrain those activities on the periphery banking (e.g. hedge funds and private equity). Jeffrey Brothers Capital will also expect there to be further consideration given to how regulatory reporting be made more risk sensitive and simpler.
Regulations will remain a big driver for Jeffrey Brothers Capital in the upcoming years will replace the rules governing the accounting of financial instruments and the accounting rules for insurance contracts which will both further boost alignment between the risk and finance functions.
Adoption of all three pillars of Solvency is relatively slow thus far, and this is understandable. Timescales from the regulator and internal budget restrictions have meant that some firms have been holding back. We are seeing firms getting more and more involved with respect to pillar three reporting. It is also essential that firms understand that holistically, pillar three is more than just a set of reports – there is an intense data flow needed for a full reporting system.

About Jeffrey Brothers Capital
Headquartered in Hong Kong, www.Jeffrey-Brothers-Capital.com is a financial adviser specialist with a global perspective. Our investment products, spanning a broad range of developed and emerging markets strategies, incorporate more than 40 years of experience in world markets. Jeffrey Brothers Capital’s corporate culture fosters cre­ative thinking and a collaborative environment. We value open communication, and this is reflected in our investment approach, which is characterized not only by its rigor but also its transparency. We believe that sharing information and ideas is the most effective way to meet the needs of our clients. This is reflected in Jeffrey Brothers Capital’s team-based culture.

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